Happiness, fulfillment and joy can and should apply to the hours between 9 to 5.
But for those of us who colour outside the lines and can’t comfortably fit into boxes (much less cubicles), it’s not easy.
Maybe you’ve found yourself at a career crossroads, struggling to make a decision about your next move. Maybe your values have shifted in response to the current wackiness of the world. Maybe your family situation has changed, and what made sense in the past no longer seems tolerable.
Or, perhaps, to quote The Dude, “New shit has come to light”, causing you to question your career choices and wonder what else is possible for you.
Or, maybe your work environment is toxic and it’s time to GTFO.
If you’re experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety or other mental health concerns that are clearly tied to your job situation, it can be especially hard to make decisions, set priorities, take action, or see a viable way forward. Having someone in your corner is crucial to move into a healthier reality.
Ready to Get Some Help with This?

Step 1:
The compass tells you where you are now, but also where you’re going. In this session we’ll figure out the current lay of the land, career-wise and help you to see the possibilities on the horizon.

Step 2:
This is the full journey from confusion to career clarity. Over 6 structured sessions, along with assessments, exercises, and resources, this package will point you confidently on your new path forward.
But let’s talk about what’s really keeping you stuck.
Because if change were easy, you would have done it already. Here’s what I’ve heard from my clients.
- “At least I have a job. I should be grateful!”
- “I’m too old to start over.”
- “Feeling fulfilled and happy at work is a Millennial pipe dream. Nobody really has it!”
- “It’s too much work to start a new career.”
- “I don’t have the training/education and it takes too long, and too much money to get.”
Sound familiar?
There’s another whisper that should also sound familiar. The one that says “Feeling good about the work you do is possible. Flow is possible. Balance is possible. Purpose is possible.”
It’s possible.
Turn toward that voice. That’s the voice that will lead you to career freedom.
Maybe you’ve tried taking online quizzes, asking for advice, trying out ideas (apprentice cheesemaker? Dogsitter to the stars? Professional lizard tamer?) but nothing seems to land.
Quiz results don’t reflect your background, strengths, fears, and unique situation. Most advice is geared toward climbing the corporate ladder (shudder).
The fact is: You are an unconventional person who requires an unconventional approach to figuring it out.
That unconventional approach is my specialty.
Drawing on my background as a therapist, I’ll work with you to explore the path that got you here, the stories and beliefs that might (or might not) be holding you back from vocational bliss, and the best way to support you in moving confidently towards your dreams.
My background as a Social Worker gives me an acute awareness of how your environment affects your life, how your story influences your choices, and the challenges of changing both.
I’m here to help you find work that aligns with your values, strengths, priorities and authentic self – and find an environment that promotes balance and wellbeing.